While ink preference can vary hugely from artist to artist, there is one brand of ink which for over 10 years continues to get rave reviews from both artists trying new things as well as veterans of the black and grey world and that’s Silverback Ink®. That’s because the same guy that made the very first bottle of "The Original" Grey Wash Series for himself back in 1997 still makes every single batch today! Randy ensures the quality and consistency of all Silverback Ink® is flawless... Because he not only makes it, he tattoos with it too! • By a tattooer for tattooers • 100% Vegan • Made and sterilized in the USA • Tested and certified for sale in the EU Whether your packing in solid black or looking to create YOUR signature grey wash series, Silverback Ink® is synonymous with producing some of the most bad ass results on the planet. From black inks that are just STUPID BLACK, to the smoothest transitions in grey washes available. You wanted the best and you got it... Silverback Ink®! This informational video offers a brief overview regarding the different Silverback Ink® black inks.
Don't just take our word for it, check out the awesome work of just a few Silverback Ink® Artists: @mumia916 @anrijsstraume   @ryan-evans @toxycxlr @corpsepainter @coryferguson @travisgreenough @blvkphillip @glenpreece @sonnymitchellta2 @nigelkurt @jesselevitt @matthewjamestattoo While we can't tell you "Which is the blackest" or "Which one works best for your style", this video should aid you in making the right decision. Killer Ink® stocks 30ml bottles of each, so YOU can decide which works best for you, the tools you use and your style. As one artist who works with both hand poking tools as well as machines said, "For hand poking, I love the Stupid Black, but with a machine, I think the InstaBlack works better for my hand speed." ALL Silverback Ink® are full coverage, all purpose blacks. Whichever black goes into the skin the easiest for you should heal the blackest.